Website or Blog: Which is Better?
Website or Blog?
Websites and Blogs have some very different features and depending what your online goals are one may be better than the other; or you might want both. Here are the basic benefits of each one:
Websites are usually static in nature - meaning they do not change very often. A companies website may have information on products, services, staffing, and other general information about the company. They are generally not very interactive. Since they are mostly static there is a limited number of keyword phrases that can be indexed by the search engines. A website is an extension of the business and is a great branding tool.
A Blog can be much like a website but also a great deal more. Blogs are more interactive and accumulate a great deal of on-going content for search engines to index. There are an unlimited number of keyword phrases that your blog can be indexed for - over a period of time. This is the main advantage that Blogs have over a static website. Because Blogs are updated quite often with new content, your blog will be found with search terms that your static website would never be indexed under. Blogs also offer interaction with your readers and customers and they help to build your authority in the industry quicker than a static website. The one drawback of a blog is this: If you do not use it then you should not have one. Having a Blog that is dormant will have the opposite effect - it can actually hurt your credibility and authority.
If you have the discipline to post often in a blog then this is a great venue to build traffic for your main site.
Blogs can:
* Build Authority
* Create a Conversation
* Create Trust
* Search Engines favor Blogs over Static Websites
* Blogs can Increase PageRank for your Static Site (if connected)
* Blogs are more Interactive
* Blogs are Social Marketing Friendly
* Blogs are Web 2.0
* Blogs increase Sales - that is the bottom line
Is Blogging for you?
1. You must be dedicated to Blogging to make it work for you. If you do not take it seriously then nobody will take you or your business seriously - and this can hurt your online efforts.
2. Blogging does have a learning curve - but it is well worth the effort if you can take the time to learn the blogging platform of your choice.
3. If you have someone in your company that would enjoy the challenge of Blogging then make that person the official Blogger for your company.
4. Know your strengths and play to them - outsource what you cannot handle.
Blogging is not for everyone but it can have vast rewards and greatly impact the companies bottom line if done right.
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