Top Five Blog Directories For Web Traffic
When I first started blogging, I listed myself everywhere. They didn’t all of them do something for my traffic, but some of them did. I’m not entirely sure how they make money, these directories, but these are all free and will at least get you a few new visitors every now and then.
Note, in most cases, you will need to give them a link as well – if you don’t they might take you out of the directory.
So here they are:
* Blogflux
This one has brought me visitors more than any other, that I’m aware of. They have tons of listings, so go on and sign up. It’s very cool, because it shows you have many unique pageviews were sent to you via it. It’s a great way to determine if it’s getting you visitors. Lots of listings here, you can find cool stuff by browsing.
* iBlogbusiness
If you have a blog based on your business, or a blog-based business, this is the place for you. It’s very professional looking, which immediately inspires confidence. Listings are hand selected – which means you won’t see spammy links in there, or other crap that doesn’t belong in a business directory. Great directory, go for it.
* Technorati
It can drive traffic, but there is at least one other major reason to use it: They have a function called “Blogs that link here”. You can put this on your blog and anyone who clicks on it will see how much link love you have. The nice thing about this is the mob mentality that accompanies it – if you have a lot of links, of if someone cool and nifty links to you, you will seem more link worthy to whomever is checking you out. On the other hand, there are people who just trade links and don’t give a crap about quality, so don’t get too, too excited!
* Blogoozle
I really like this one. Maybe I’m just partial to red! It’s very nice and neatly organized, which always appeals to the girl in me. They have lots of subcategories too, so you don’t have to worry about trying to explain why you’re a little of this and a little of that. I recommend this one, for sure.
* BlogHub
Pretty good sized directory – 35,000 people can’t be wrong, eh? To be honest, it’s a little MySpaceish for my tastes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work for you. It seems to perform best if you’re active in their community, so if you’re a social butterfly, this could be the thing for you!
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